Quickly Connect With Qualified Companies From Within the TeamingPro Network Through AutoConnect.
Easily invite qualified companies from the TeamingPro Network to your job or opportunity and have interested partners come to you.
Filter your search to the exact kind of companies in the network that fit your need per job, opportunity, teaming requirement ...
Filter CRM companies by Tags
Point and click and create your AutoConnect page detailing your job or opportunity.
AutoConnect will quickly reach out to all matching companies through in-app messaging. These notificaitons are only sent to companies that have chosen to receive these types of notifications.
Companies who are interested, and have bandwidth, will click into your page and express interest in your job or opportunity.
Quickly vet responding companies, and engage with the ones that make the most sense for your strategy.
Like to talk to your vendors? Upload your vendor list and AutoConnect will take care of the rest.
Click to view screen shots:
This is an incredibly fast way to discover and engage with qualified partners throughout the entire TeamingPro Nertwork. This not only saves you time, but also provides a competitive advantage by engaging with stronger teammates at a faster pace.
“I have been using it, and it works great!”
Rapidly increase your subcontractor and small business options and network.
Quickly and easily vet each company before taking any next steps.
Engage with the strongest companies quickly and get a competitive edge.
Increase your company's visibility and connect with more prime contractors.
Engage with jobs or opportunities matching your capabilities, saving you time.
Effortlessly establish more prime contractor connections to grow your business faster.
AutoConnect FAQ
What is AutoConnect?
AutoConnect is how registered users communicate with the TeamingPro network when sourcing partners or participants for their federal opportunities or programs.
We developed AutoConnect so our registered customers can take advantage of our growing network of companies and federal government agencies when sourcing teaming partners for jobs or opportunities, versus trying to build their own.
Who uses AutoConnect and why?
Any company or government agency that has a need to teammates or partners would use AutoConnect. Here are some use cases:
A small business wants to find teammates for an opportunity and sends an AutoConnect to matching companies in the network and interested companies come to them.
A prime contractor wants to increase their small business or subcontractor options for an opportunity or re-compete contract and strengthen their bid or proposal to get a competitive edge.
A prime contractor wants to save time and money building their small business or subcontractor network.
A prime contractor has an urgent need to fill a current job or requirement.
A government agency wants to make sure they meet the rule of two.
Other government entities want to increase their small business participation for any current job or new opportunity.
Prime contractors and government agencies are normally limited to the companies and small businesses they happen to have in their supplier portals or have a relationship with through manual networking. The argument here is, companies only want to work with other companies they know and trust. This will never change. AutoConnect is a way to get to that relationship stage with more qualified companies faster, by providing the ability to in-app message matching companies. This saves your company time and money while providing a competitive advantage when sourcing your small business partners. Once companies start expressing interest in your AutoConnect notification, you can start your vetting process. This saves time by only vetting companies that are interested.
How did my company get discovered by the prime or federal agency?
If you're an active federal contractor, your company's data is pre-loaded from your government data. The primes and federal agencies use this data to filter companies that match their requirements.
How does AutoConnect work exactly?
Small Businesses, prime contractors and federal agencies set up an AutoConnect for their job or opportunity and our system matches companies to their requirements. The companies in our network are activly sourced and messaged about the job or opportunity and can decide if they're interested.
TeamingPro 1-Minute Snapshot