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 Automated Federal Opportunity & Expiring Contracts Search Engine Creation & Matching.

 Automated Federal Opportunity & Expiring Contracts Profile Creation & Matching.

TeamingPro creates your baseline opportunity search engine from your company's profile.

Liking opportunities and contracts teaches the system and shapes your matches.

Our BDAi matches opportunity as well as qualified teammates sourced from every active company in the federal contracting market.

Matched federal contracts with matched teaming partners offers the ability to start working business development like the seasoned pros.

Matching will save time and provide the ability to focus faster on the opportunities and contracts that align with your company's capabilities.

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Recommended Teaming Partner Matching Per Opportunity & Expiring Contract

Click into any federal opportunity or expiring federal contract and the system will match recommended companies as potential teaming partners per record.

Matching from every live company in the federal market as well as private vendors per their past performance.

Recommendations are scored per each company's past performance, capabilities and history with the government customer offering the opportunity or expiring contract.

Click into each company's profile to vet them before any next steps saving time.

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Competitive Analysis & Research

See every federal contract win for every company in the market. This will show who your true competitors are, who they are supporting and how they are winning their contracts.

Matching from every live company in the federal market as well as private vendors per their past performance.

Recommendations are scored per each company's past performance, capabilities and history with the government customer offering the opportunity or expiring contract.

Click into each company's profile to vet them before any next steps saving time.

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